I am calling BrowseForFolder function of a shell object in a form in order to get path. When I invoke that function, the browse window pop-ups but hides itself under the Navision window. The only way to get to it is to minimize Navision. I think that if I can get the window handle of that Navision form and pass it to the first parameter of BrowseForFolder function, I can circumvent that problem. Am I right?
Cem Karaer @ Pargesoft
Dynamics NAV Developer since 2005
In the downloadselection are some examples of external controls in Navision.
Dynamics NAV Developer since 2005
Very curious to the outcome of this.
I use the following
ActiveWindow type automation subtype 'C/SIDE Utility
WindowsShell type Automation subtype 'Microsoft Shell Controls And Automation'.Shell
then calling the browse for folder
WindowsShell.BrowseForFolder(ActiveWindow.Handle, Title, 0, Root);
Hope this helps :P
I tried it out and it works!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
That must have been where I got it from