Export/Import to Excel - Problem with "Date" forma

CcsCcs Member Posts: 13

I am using form "Mapping" to export / import to Excel but format "Date" is in different, not understandable, format.On the contrary, the date in the table is in the correct format after Import.Any ideas what to do..?


  • andrejsmandrejsm Member Posts: 122
    If I understand you corectly, then you have in the excel one date format for example dd.mm.yyyy. But your system date is in another format yyyy.mm.dd.
    To solve this problem, you should change your computer date format in the regional settings.
    Andrejs Muraskins
  • CcsCcs Member Posts: 13
    Thanks,but its not this my problem..if the date is "18/7/06" the date in the Excel is "38916" in "NumberFormat"...That's why i am confused..
  • babbab Member Posts: 65
    when you export to excel, you can use
    FORMAT(WORKDATE, 0, '<Year4>. <Month Text> <Day>');
    or you can combine theese "tags" as you want
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