report designer

henrytanghenrytang Member Posts: 7
hi all,

just wonder if where can i get report desinger?
included in object designer already or i need to install seperate on another CD?

how many CD included in a set of Navision?
I find i got 1CD only and it is the client installation CD but our company do purchase the form, report and dataport designer also.

i m newly pick up this task in my company, thanks all for valuable advise.


  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    The report designer is installed as part of the license file, it is not a separate thing you install from the cd.

    Open a form or report, anyone, doesn't matter,

    press CTRL + F2

    this starts the forms or report desiger, it should change the form or report you where on into design mode. If you get an error about not having premission, then you need to check with your solution center to see why you are not allowed to do it. Make sure you have super user permissions, just to rule that out as a reason you couldn't open the report or forms designer
  • henrytanghenrytang Member Posts: 7
    hi themave,

    for report designer, is the one with 2 columns?
    RHS "dataitem" and LHS "name"??

    any other interface for me to insert image, putting header, etc?

    i checked the document application designer guide and find the interface is quite similar to VB report designer. Just wonder the procedure of reaching that screen.
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    ON the same CD are some documents. One is w1w1adg.pdf.

    This contains information on how to use the reportdesigner.
  • henrytanghenrytang Member Posts: 7
    in fact i m following that document p.221 (p.223)

    however, there is no procedure of how to trigger the section procedure.. no idea at all.... >_<
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