In Warehouse, I am using Directed Put Away and Pick. I can assign an item to a warehouse and an item to a bin.
My question:
Is there a way to associate a product to a zone or a range of bins? My customer has one physical warehouse with a freezer and a cold storage. I would like to have a range of products i.e. all the frozen products go to the freezer, so when I use the directed put away a freezer bin is recommended.
Also, does anyone know of a good source of documentation for this module? I looked at the elearning material and it was light.
Thanks in advance,
Use warehouse Class Code
create/modify Bins with Class Codes and associate products to class Codes
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog :
You can use Distribution for Navision 3.6, inventory management 4.0. warehouse management system (WMS) also needed if you use WMS.
detail in:
Does anybody know how or if you can have the Warehouse Class code to not apply to you Receiving, Shipping, and Production areas, and only to the Bin or Bulk locations.
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog :
As for Warehouse Class Code, I think this was exactly developed for freezers, so it seems to be the right direction to go, although the aforementioned customizations might be needed. But are you sure the separete receiving/shipping bins really cause a problem? Usually these "Bins" are not real bins, just areas. So if you have, say, 3 Shipping bin but in reality they all represent the same area, is that a problem for you?