Dear Experts,
There is a situation here :
My client will use the Purchase return orders of NAV for return of spoiled items for which replacements will be sent by the vendor.
Now, these replaced items are entered into the system with a new GRN but the old PO and invoice has to be called as the vendor does not send new invoice for this.....
Note that no debit memo will be raised for the PO.
Can any one suggest how this can be met in NAV???
Well U can have a work around and i do not know how good/bad it is.
Create a loaction for "Replacement Material with vendors" and use transfer journal to transfer out/in the material. No debit note will be generated and you will also know how much material is pending for return.
Critical comments on the solution is welcome.
The document can be simple, A numberseries based table with a vendor no., some name and address fields and an item no.
You can also add some info about the status of the document.
Thanks Mark,
can u explain about this some what detail.