I have installed navision server on the Server & in Database Server folder copied database database.fdb.
I am trying to connect that server from another machine (from client).
Getting following message
The Operating System cannot gain access to the file \\\c\program files\mbs\database server\database.fdb
Please check that the file type and attributes are correct.
Anyone knows solution abt this.
(my italics above)
make sure that service account that the database server is running as has priveleges to read the file directory location.
When you connect via the client, make sure you have the client point at the database server not the database itself.
use services to check\C$
for example
then database name on server for example :
It works !
Best regards
What I have successfully done are as follows:
A. in server computer
1. install nav. dbase server, set all users can access this computer, set custom, set location for server, set server name:
LALALA,select TCP, cache 10000 kb, select license file to be personnal license, select database now, next..
2. from administrative tools, click 2x services and start the mbs navision database server - LALALA --> this is only for services (local){Edit}
3. from administrative tools, click 2x Datasources ODBC, on tab user DSN, select Navision Database name, then configure. Change Navision Database name to be LALALA, then connection set to be server, and server name is your IP.
other depends on your database like user ID, password, but beside that, don't fill anything else
4. OK the windows, then OK the Datasources (ODBC) widows
5. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc, write in host from notepad, your IP <LALALA>, then save it
6. Run cmd (command), then go to Data server directory, type server.exe then enter.
7. By now, your navision database is on run
8. You can access or open the database now from server computer. {edit}
B. In client computer
5. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc, write in host from notepad, your IP <LALALA>, then save it
6. You can access the database that exists in the server now.
don't use TCPS, you must use TCP/IP. For more detail write me, I will give you the setup wizard file in detail.
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No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
What I see from your answer is really different than mine, I never set the services, but only host, every clients I write the same host as written in the server computer where database.fdb file stored.
Another different, you don't use ODBC, my computer uses windows XP 2000 SP2.
Although different, it runs in mine and I will try your answer.
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yeah..., I have read it and it's not you that create or design Microsoft Dynamics products, isn't it..?
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