Dear Experts
I've a situation here...
In Transfer orders.... Say if I'm transfering an item from one location to another with item tracking code of LOT numbers to be specified for transfers.....
Can I have different Lot numbers for shipment and receipt? say I enter a Lot number during shipment but when I receive it at my receiving location I need to give a different LOT number but have the shipment Lot number as referal is it possible???
If yes how do I do it? If no what can be a feasible solution for this?
Warm Rgds
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If I'm using Item journals, then I'll be making a positive adjustment against that receiving location rightt? but what about my items in this temporary location??? I don't want to make a negative adjustment there to reduce the stock...
If you could think of in the transfer order stage??? Is it possible to give a new LOT number or should I think of a customization here???
Please help
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Let me very clearly explain you my scenario. My client has basically three different stages of inducting materials into the store.
The client initally makes a PO, then receives the PO. In this stage he wants the material to be in a stage which he calls as QUARANTINE.
Once the Quality approves the material , he then shifts the material from QUARANTINE to OK Stage else to the REJECTED BIN.
While Entering the WareHouse Receipt on receiving the material, the user enters the Vendor Batch Number. Once upon approval from the Quality, he assigns the Actual Lot Number (Quality Control Register Number - QCR ) to the shipment.
But before even the user enters the QCR number the inventory has to be shown in the QUARANTINE stage. Is this poosible.
Does NAV allow some thing like a quantity type transfer within the same location, in that case I can ask him to use that.
I tried using Bins, but it increase manual work, because of which the client is not interested in the same.
Please Advice.
I know your situation, but you can't assign new lot no. on the same items you've posted in transfer order if you follow Navision standard. For example QCR is assigned as lot no. before shipping of the transfer order is done, from item tracking lines --> shipment. So, it's not possible to enter QCR number if Vendor Batch Number has been asssigned as Lot No. on the same item. Except you use transfer more than once. Assigned Vendor Batch Number first, in the transfer order from QUARANTINE to OK stage. Then do transfer order from OK stage to REJECTED BIN but assign QCR as lot number. But if you want lot no. is Vendor Batch number when shipment from QUARANTINE to OK and receipt in the OK with lot no. is QCR, it's not possible. Except you made a modification, I think it's not a best solution, just follow the Navision standard.
"The Grapes of Wrath operation-1996"
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