SQL Errors upgrading from Nav370 to Nav4 SP1

jorgitojorgito Member Posts: 115

We are trying to upgrade a customer’s database from version 3.70 to 4.00 SP1 using the SQL Server option.

The steps until now were the following:

1. At some earlier point, we copied the client’s database (v.3.70) from the client’s site to our location. The database contained the client’s functionality (base 3.70 + customizations) and some early customer data.
2. We created a Cronus 4.00 SP1 database.
3. We merged the client’s customizations with the 4.00 SP1 functionality and imported the result in the Cronus database. So, we ended up with a Cronus database that contained the 4.00 SP1 functionality, along with the client’s customizations. We exported all the objects in a fob file.
4. We opened the original client’s database using Navision 4.00 SP1 and converted the database into 4.00 SP1.
5. We imported the Upgrade Toolkit, transferred the data and deleted all the objects except the tables.
6. We imported the previous fob, chose Replace All and clicked on OK.
7. The import stopped with an error. The error is an SQL Server error, mentioning that There is already an object named “[Company Name]$32$7” in the database. Etc.
8. We copied a more recent database from the client’s site and did the same thing. This time we got an SQL error mentioning that There was an error accessing the Item Ledger Entry table: Invalid column name s14.

Software: Windows SBS 2003, SQL Server 2000, Navision GR 370 and GR 4 SP1.

Is the procedure we are following correct? How can we overcome these problems?

Thanx a lot


  • jorgitojorgito Member Posts: 115
    We found a workaround for these errors.

    Whenever they occured, we went in the table and deleted all the keys except for the primary key. Then we re-imported the fob.

    We do not know why SQL Server created these problems, because if we backed up and restored the database as a native, everything worked fine.

    It has to be one of these nice features SQL Server is offering. \:D/

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