No Series Allocation to users

ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40

Is there a way to actually allocate an specific range of a No Series to a user? (I mean that for Invoices for example I have the No Series
TD000001-TD999999, and I want user A to have the range from
TD000001-TD009999, user B from TD010000-TD099999, and so forth).
Any ideas and fast answers are more than welcome.

Thanx in advance gyus.


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    I'm not sure but I think this has been discussed before.

    You should be able to add the user-id to the No.Series as a filter.

    Do you want to use it for all no.sesies troughout the applilcation or just on the salesheader?
  • ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
    No I only need to do this in the Sales Order, since my client finds confusing the use of the Released function along with a filter in the salesperson.
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