In our current environment (Navsion 2.6 C/ODBC / VB6) we use a dsnless ADO-connecten to access NAVISION data.
According to pages 32-35 of my C/ODBC guide ConnectString is something like:
ncs = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;" & _
"Extended Properties=""" & _
"DRIVER={C/ODBC 32 bit};" & _
"CSF=Yes;" & _
"SName=Navision;" & _
"NType=tcp;" & _
"PPath=K:\Navision\client;" & _
"CS=1000;" & _
"OPT=Text;" & _
"IT=a-z,A-Z,0-9,_;" & _
"QTYesNo=No;" & _
"RO=No;" & _
"CC=Yes;" & _
"BE=Yes;" & _
"CD=No;" & _
"CN=VDI/VDE-IT;" & _
"UID=me;" & _
"PWD=mypwd;" & _
I haven't found any documentation how to establish a dsnless connection using Navision 4.0 and NODBC. Has anyone done this yet?
A couple of things jump to mind though.
First, you don't have a database specified in that string. I'm guessing you just left that out.
Second, the version of the driver is almost certainly different. I'm pretty sure that changed into in both 4.0 and 4.01.
I'll poke around a bit more and see what I can find.
Good question!!
set up a user dsn as described in your 4.0 documetation.
verify that you can connect.
find the registry key where the dsn information is stored --
its likely somewhere like this:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Odbc\Odbc.ini\Odbc Data sources
but I'm not sure, I haven't done that before
then just coop the information from there into your connection string.
Let me know how that goes! was exactly what was trying for a while (and I tried even harder)
In detail:
I set up a DSN called c2
con.ConnectionString = "DSN=c2"
con.Open --->>> works
Looking at the connection after opening the connection just shows:
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DSN=c2;DBQ=C:\DOKUMEN~1\ADMIN~1\LOKALE~1Temp\;CODEPAGE=1252"
What I tried next was adding the information of the registry (ODBC.INI\c2) step-by-step starting with
ConnectString = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="""""
then added
"Driver={Microsoft Navision Driver}" (tried c:\.....nodbc.dll instead of symbolic name)
added: "DatabaseName=C:\Programme\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\database.fdb;"
"CompanyName=CRONUS AG;"
(Tried UID and/or PassWord instaed of UserID and PWD)
con.Open everytime results in a
[Simba][Simba Engine ODBC Driver][DRM File Library] Cannot begin Session