RIM 2.0 - Import Questionairre Error

csearlecsearle Member Posts: 14
I've loaded the RIM 2.0 objects and am trying to import the Wholesale.xml file into the setup questionairre form and get the following error

This automation variable has not been instantiated. You can instantiate it by either creating or assigning it.

I've loaded the latest MSXML 6.0 components, but no luck.


  • girish.joshigirish.joshi Member Posts: 407
    Wow, that does sound like a bug.

    Run the debugger and find out which variable its failing on.

    Just before that call, write this
    create(autovar) ;

    where autovar is the name of your automation variable.
  • kernelkernel Member Posts: 1
    If I remember well this error you get because you miss a thing. [-X
    First thing you need to do is run "Company Setup" form where you specify the WholeSale.xml for generic settings, after this in "Setup Questionnaire" form you will see a row. This will be the questionnaire which you can export to xls, fill it with answers from the customer and after import back using "Import from Excel". Hope this solve your problem.
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