purchase form, filter vendor in lookup

KarenhKarenh Member Posts: 209
I have a form copied from the purchase journal for use with a certain type of entry.

When the acocunt type is Vendor, I want the vendor table lookup to only display records with a vendor posting group of INVESTOR.

I set this in the table relation in the form, but it did not work.

I don't want to change table 81 table relation because in the purchases journal for other entries, we need all vendors displayed.

How can I do this? Thanks.


  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    If you are always going to be using vendors on this journal, then you can create a new lookup form, copy the existing vendor list (form 27) to a new form, and modify this form to filter on the posting group, then reference this on the account no. property lookup form id in your modified journal,
  • fatewongfatewong Member Posts: 8
    If you met the form object limitation (no more extra form object), you can override the default vendor lookup event trigger (ie. write your own lookup code on your textbox OnLookup event trigger) by retrieving vendor recordset which had been filtered according to your requirement, and thus passing that recordset to the Vendor List form using either FORM.RUN or FORM.RUNMODAL.
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