Can't (want to) change sorting order in the Budget Form 113

VytekVytek Member Posts: 4

There is Budget form (ID113) with matrix control. I want to sort records
for ex. in descending order or change the current key, but sorting order
doesn't change. There is something i don't know? :?

Budget form has a SourceTable "Dimension Code Buffer" (ID367)
and Matrix has the same MatrixSourceTable. :\
(i saw another forms with matrix in them, but form's and matrix's
source tables were different, and sorting order was changing by
changing current key in those forms)

I even created my own "Dimension Code Buffer" table with additional field
"Sort No." and made it my primary key. In this field i put numbers according to them i want to sort records in the Budget form.
Of course, in the code of the form, i have changed "Dimension Code Buffer" variable to my table, i have appended "CopyDimValToBuf" function with code line which assign numbers to the field "Sort No."
I have changed SourceTableView property to "SORTING(Sort No.)".
But form doesn't sort records by "Sort No." field, it sorts them
by field (Dimension) "Code" in alphabetical order. (I can see, there are
assigned numbers to the field "Sort No."!)

Any ideas?
(i'm not sure, if Budget form (113) is a standart form in most countries,
i hope so :) but maybe anybody had solved similar problem?

Thank you.

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