PAGE x OF y on a report

EAGLEEAGLE Member Posts: 2
Hi everyone...

This simple article might be usefull.

1. Create a singleinstances codeunit (named it PAGExOFy) with 2 functions on it :

SetLastPage(LastPage : Integer)
OurLastPage := LastPage;

GetLastPage() : Integer

2. Design a report and put a code on a OnPostReport trigger :


3. Put 2 TextBox on a report, the first one, or the x one (as we all know) is simply put CurrReport.PAGENO on its SourceExpr property.
The second one, or the y one, put PAGExOFy.GetLastPage on its SourceExpr property.

4. Unfortunately with this method, which is the only simple method i know, i have to preview the report twice, to make the y number on PAGE x OF y, to be displayed correctly.

I hope this method might help for anyone who need it...until we (specially me, considering im a new user at this forum) can get a better method.



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