I'm missing Codeunit 412- Anybody know why? Isn't this codeunit standard?
Also I'm using a 3rd party component which is supposed to be Navision Version independent. But it refers to several tables and codeunits, which I haven't got. EG. table 5050 (Contact) and codeunit 414 and 415.
Hope anyone can help.
I'm using Nav. 3,70A
Probably someone deleted them.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
CU 414 - Release Sales Document
CU 415 - Release Purchase Document
If you don't have those codeunits, you are most likely working in an old version of NAV. Make sure you tell your vendor which version of NAV you have and ask them for the right version objects. It is hard for be to believe that a vendor of NAV add-ons did not ask you for this themselves.
Are you sure you don't have the objects, and it is not some permissions error that you are seeing?
Acutally it is a really old Nav version we're running.
And I found out really didn't need the Nav functions that required the codeunits after all.