3.10 speed?!

yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
edited 2006-07-11 in Navision Attain
Any way to optimize Navision databases?!

We're running 3.10 for years now and when people are posting there's a slowdown on everyone's machine.

What factors would help out: ram on that machine, etc?!


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Changing the performance of a system is very different from installation to installation.

    It depends on many things. What are you running on now, do you run SQL or native, how many users, what kind of transactions, how is your infrastructure looking.

    To make a good judgement we need more information please.

    You can also try and search the forum for help.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    You you are asking - it sounds like it's never been done.

    you can see the % of optimization.
    I Usually do a filter on Size(KB) >100000
    Click on a table then the Optimize button
    and worry about those.

    - You have to give more info on your network structure
    - Are you using a hub how fast 10/100/1000?
    - are the people doing the posting on fast machines?
    -What OS version are you call using on your clients?

    plus Marks stuff O:)

    We're pretty fast here - and splitting the database should improve it by %100 (that's the next step)
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    Optimizing tables on SQL is a must. But not on a Navision DB.
    On a Navision DB, it is only adviced optimizing tables that don't change a lot. So optimizing posted-document or entry tables is not a good idea. This because it will slow down inserting new records (but indeed, it will speed up reading the record).
    It can also be a good idea to remove old records in tables 36,37,38,39 and move to archive tables if they need to be kept.
    And there are a lot of other things to check. Some examples:
    -A Navision DB should be under 80% full.
    -defrag of the DB-files (SQL and Navision).
    - and so on....

    plus Mark's and Savatages stuff...
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    NAV is like a chain, it is as strong as its weakest link, as all users at some point will lock other users out of tables, which is a normal and healthy thing until it takes more time than you want. Every database based app works that way.

    You can have Cray super computers on every desk, but your NAV application will slow down to a crawl if the sales guy in the corner of the warehouse is running reports from his 6 year old laptop using the IT guys's internal wireless network that is barely visible in that corner of the building.
  • yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
    We have 11 machines that access Navision.. out of those 11, one is not used at all because it's an empty desk and two of them are hardly ever used because they're the owners of the company who don't really do any work and are hardly ever in the office.

    Of the machines that are used on a daily basis (8 machines) I believe all but one are P4 2.0Ghz machines with 256MB memory, two of them have already been upgraded to 512MB. One of them is like a 1.6 or 1.8Ghz. I believe we have 8 licenses so we can only do up to 8 machines at one time.

    The Navision is on it's own machine and I'm not sure of the specs of that machine right now. Navision is not running SQL that I know of.

    The network hub we use is 10/100. All of our machines run Windows 2000, but will soon probably be upgraded to Windows XP Professional.

    I think I know the answer to this, but can a drive be defragged when people are using it?! I don't think so, right?! I could just set it to defrag at night after we leave.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    You want to defrag the server?

    What's your database size?
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    yuppicide wrote:
    I think I know the answer to this, but can a drive be defragged when people are using it?! I don't think so, right?! I could just set it to defrag at night after we leave.
    No, you have to stop the DB to defrag the drive.
    But before running a defrag, analyse the drive first to see if it is necessary for the DB.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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