communicate Biztalk and NAVISION

fle7afle7a Member Posts: 6

I m a new user of biztalk and i have a project which consist on communicating NAVISION with another application.

the main idea is to upgrade date from one database to the database of the NAVISION (on SQL SERVER).
I have generated XML file from the first database but i dont know how to exactly communicate them with NAVISION database.

Can you give me some information on how to do that, especially how to communicate BIZTALK withn ERP database.

NAVISION Database located in a machine different from biztalk one



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    If you have control over what the XML looks like, you don't need Biztalk. You could create an XMLPort that imports your data into NAV. You could then automate the import process and implement it in an instance of Navision Application Server (NAS).

    Either way, if you use Biztalk you'd have to do the same thing, probably best to do it with message queuing. Be aware though that you might not be able to use the MQ Bus Adapter, because that doesn't know how to handle double byte characters. If you HAVE to use Biztalk, I would go with programming the MQ interface with the MQ object model directly, not the Bus Adapter.
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