When I try to open a database Attain 3.60, in Navision Developer's Toolkit 1.02 , after import DevTool.fob, 'internal error 1312 in module 19' appears.
I have installed Navision Attain 3.60 Client, Navision Developer's Toolkit and C/FRONT in sub-directories of the same directory. Navision Client and Navision Developer's Toolkit have the same CFRONT.dll, dbm.dll, nc_tcp.dll, nc_netb.dll and fin.stx.
Navision Developer's Toolkit has been configured with 256Mb in DBMS cache and the DB has 500Mb
José Inácio Tira Picos
Consulting Services
SystemHouse - Consultoria e Sistemas
j.tirapicos@systemhouse.pt 0