Dimensions on G/L Accounts

geri79geri79 Member Posts: 105
Hi Nav Gurus,

we have some dimensions on our revenue accounts to group posts for some reports (1 dimension value per account, but some accounts have the same value).
When we book from orders/bills directly on this accounts, these dimensions are set and booked.
But when we book items or resources which are posted to same accounts via posting group combination (business/product), just the dimensions of the item/resource are posted on the account.

Is there a possbility to attach the G/L account dimension on these posts?
I can't attach these dimensions on the items/resources per default, because they can be posted to different G/L accounts with different dimesnions.

Any ideas?

THX. geri


  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Last time I checked (3.6) it wasn't possible for indirect postings to carry the Dimension of the G/L Account. If you want to develop it yourself, just look at Codeunit 12.

    There is an add-on called Kosterrechnung in Germany which does some magic with G/L Accs. and Dimensions, maybe you might check that out. Just ask from Microsoft who is vendor of Kosterrechnung.
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear Geri79,
    It would not be better to look for the add-on if you have installed navision standard database. The better way is to contact your local NSC or partner, and ask some detail solutions for your problem. If you want to make some modifications, think twice, if maybe there is a work around. Sometimes, you must be aware for some of this forum members mouths. Some others are good.


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  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632
    You can set Code Mandatory in Default Dimension table (352) for appropriate g/l account and dimension. Then users will be prompted to fill the dimension field in General Journal or Item Journal.
  • geri79geri79 Member Posts: 105
    Code Mandatory doesn't really work, because I don't want that users have to decide and make mistakes.

    Unfortunately my local supplier has no good ideas for this problem...

    Thanks anyway.
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