I have got some problems with my XMLPort.
I have to use the same tag at serveral positions in the same XML-FIle
Tag <number> must be used at several positions. Compiling the XMLPort, I get an error: "The Variable number is defined more than once [...]"
Unfortunately I have to use this tag!
Has anybody any idea or solution? I would prefer not to program the XML-Export using Automation Controls.
Thanks a lot in advance!
you can use the TagName more than Once in a XML Port. To use the same Tagename yYou have to define sourcetypes text and different Variables. than behind the Trigger, you have to use
varaibleA := fieldvalue.
Hope you understand my english....
Still though, you should not have the same tag name more than once, it really is confusing, and I don't think the XML is considered well formed.
I would also prefer having a better formated XML-File but unfortunately we are not responsible for the .xds-File.