I have two reports that generate Sales invoices and automatically email them to Customers. I'd like to schedule these two reports to run in Job Scheduler, but I'd like the email account that they get sent from to be different depending on a flag on the Customer.
Is it possible to run multiple instances of Job scheduler, one under one user login that runs Report A, and one under another login that runs report B?
If not, any ideas on how I could resolve this scenario?
Thanks in advance!
But it 100% runs codeunits. So the safe advice is to write a codeunit that looks at the flag, decides what to run, run that, sends that etc. and run this codeunit with JS.
The Job Scheduler will run reports nice.
In the standard, the Job Scheduler only may be started ones.
With changes, you can run as many Job Schedulers as you wish.
Thoms Hviid Thorn
I can run my reports under the job scheduler and they both run fine, and generate emails to customers.
The problem is that I need one of the reports to run and be emailed from one email account (eg test1@company.com) and the other report to be emailed from a different account (eg test2@company.com).
I cannot start 2 instances of the job scheduler under two different login sessions.
Thomas, you mentioned that it is possible to start as many job schedulers as I wish with changes. Can you give me a pointer as to what changes are necessary to do this?
Thanks again!