Hi all,
I am trying to integrate SQL Reporting Services 2005 with Navision. I have a native Navision 4.0 SP2 database that contains my data. I have created a Navision ODBC data source that points to this database.
In Visual Studio .NET 2005 I have created a new reporting project and added a reporting data source that connects to my Navision database using the Navision ODBC. I have then created a report that just pulls back a list of customers from the Navision Database.
When I run the report my Visual Studio .NET crashes and dissapears.
Has anyone had any difficulties in using the Navision ODBC with SQL Reporting Services or VS.NET 2005.
Thanks in advance,
Firstly, N/ODBC is slow compared with CFRONT.NET on its data retrieving speed. You can code your application by the comprehensive API too.
Second, if you are dealing with multi companies database, CFRONT.NET allows you to open different company in coding dynamically while you need to create different DSN for each company by using N/ODCB.
I have actually managed to get a step nearer. Once I have finished designing my report in Visual Studio .NET 2005, I preview it and it still crashes. If I upload my report to the reporting server however, I can see my report there! It seems to be an issue with Visual Studio .NET 2005.