Purchase blanket Order to Purchase order - query

upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405
HI All,
I have added two fields in Purchase blanket order form & same is in Purchase Order form & in related tables also.
My question is that whether I have to write any code for this. Means information coming from purchaes balnket order to Purchase Order form, in any code unit is it necessary to write any code for this? Coz in future any prob. should not be appear.



  • shashinpandeshashinpande Member Posts: 19
    Hi Sandip,

    see first of all you cant add field in the form as u have written.

    Now when ur adding the field to the Purchase Header table then at that time it can show on both the purchase order & purchase Blanket order.

    So for that you dont need to add ne type of code other then adding field in the Purhcase Header table.

    But if after posting the order/creating receipts from order if you want to retain the information in posted purchase recepits then you need to add the code in the codeuint and you have to create the corrosponding field in the posted recepits table.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Shashin Pande
  • upasanisandipupasanisandip Member Posts: 405
    Thank you sir , u'r reply help me.
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