Navision GuiGuide

Guybrush_ThreepwoodGuybrush_Threepwood Member Posts: 28

I wonder where i can find the rules for creating the GUI in Navision 4.0 SP2 and found the "NAGUIGuide.exe" on the 3.01 Installation CD, but nothing newer.

Is this Version of the GUI StyleGuide still up-to-date? Or is there a newer version? I can´t find anything similar to this Guide on newer Install CD´s like 3.70 or 4.0. Do I just search the wrong places?

kind regards for your (as always) fast and useful answers


  • Thomas_Hviid_ThornThomas_Hviid_Thorn Member Posts: 92
    edited 2006-07-04
    Hej Thomas

    The newest I know of is from NAV 3.6, but due to the ChangeLog (Appendix D), there has been no changes.

    When we re-certified september 2005, we were told, that the GUI rules have been loosened up a little. MBS did still prefer, that we did follow the GUI rules though.
    With Kind Regards
    Thoms Hviid Thorn
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    I think the basic forms and reports stayed more or less the same. What changed is

    - MenuSuite (but that does not need a guide I think)
    - some forms have a kind of tree view - mockup (like Order Planning in Mfg in 4.0 up or the Business Analytics setup)
    - Info Pane appeared on Sales Orders
    - some reports are exportable to Excel from 4.0 SP1 on
  • Guybrush_ThreepwoodGuybrush_Threepwood Member Posts: 28
    Okay, thank you :) Then I can follow the defaults in that guide.

    It is not that I need a guide describing how to create MenuSuites ... I just want to create my objects StyleGuide conform as I create them ... not to fit them later by troublesome detail work.
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