Modify Navigation Pane

Kristof_HaeckKristof_Haeck Member Posts: 6
is there a possibility to add information to the vagivation pane or the working area that mantion the database name and server?
But this setting should stay there even when you update the menu suite.
Why do I need this:
In live environments we have 2 databases on 1 server, 1 live database and 1 test database. When users acces one of them the should be able to see whate database they are working in. In 3.70's menu we vould add code to get the databasename and server, but this can't be done in 4.0's navigation pane I think.
Is there a possibility to retrieve this?


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    This issue has been discussed. Try search this forum.

    What you can do is write some code in codeunit 1 in a new trigger with ID=1.

    This can popup a form or a dialogbox with the databasename etc.
  • Kristof_HaeckKristof_Haeck Member Posts: 6

    the popup is interesting but is not shown all the time.

    Is it possible to add the servername and databasename to the background of the working area (where the screens are shown)?


  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Nope. What you can do is to have only 1 company in each database (therefore the test company would be in a test database) and create a new menusuitem menu on the top with the company/database/etc. name.
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Well, actualy there is one option but that is a laborious one.

    If you change the datapercompany property of table 2000000061 - User Menu Level you can change the menusuite for users at companylevel.

    When you add a menuitem per company to the level90 of the menusuite you can either show or hide this per company.

    I don;t know if this is recomendable, because of the amount of work. :?
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