Help on Navision Developers Took Kit Version 2.00 SP2

shashinpandeshashinpande Member Posts: 19
I am trying to open the database wiht the same Developer's Toolkit version 2.00 SP2 but i m getting the following error :

The Database C:\Program Files\MBS-Navison Developer's Toolkit\C:\Program File\MBS\4.0\SDK\CFRONT\Navision trainig.fdb database does not contain navision developer's toolkit objects.Please import the latest version of navision developer's toolkit objects into database.

Pls update my knoledge by replying ASAP.


  • andrejsmandrejsm Member Posts: 122
    First of all, You need to open database with Dynamic NAV client and import DevToolkit Objects. Objects could be found in the DevToolkot Program files directory with name DevTool.fob.
    Andrejs Muraskins
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    The toolkit comes with documentation as to how to install it and how to create a toolkit database. If you follow the steps, you will get it installed and running in about half an hour, maybe an hour.
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