Error 1232 in module 19. server.c(493)

orbitalsalmonorbitalsalmon Member Posts: 33
We've been getting the following errors:

Error 1232 in module 19. server.c(493) <--- happens at least once per day.

Also got these errors a few times in the past 6 months:

Error 3 in module 244. server.c(377)
Error 18 in module 244. server.c(377)

Would greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light on what these errors are and possible solutions to fix.


Navision 3.70 - native db
DBMS Cache: 700k

Windows 2003 Server Std.
Intel Xeon 3.06ghz
2GB Kingston ram
80gb RAID-5 (50% free - single partition)


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    19 1232 #Err_DB_PacketSequenceError DB_Err(1232).

    All these errors are network error. Test your network and make sure it's in good condition. Also it helps if you check the network card.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • orbitalsalmonorbitalsalmon Member Posts: 33
    Thanks for the reply ara3n.

    How critical are these errors in terms of retaining database integrity. Is Navision's DB able to roll back errors safely when they occur?
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2006-06-30
    There are 500 posts on server setup suggestions.
    Raid-5 is not a recommended setup.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    FYI.... (So your database is 40GB?)
    Savatage wrote:
    Here's a white paper I've had for a while
    maybe someone can find it useful for NATIVE
    Navision Server

    Hard Drives

    Our server is very dependant on disk reads and writes. The faster the disk setup, the faster the performance of the server process. This is probably where the biggest gains in server performance can be had. We suggest that a RAID 1 array be used with our database. RAID 1 provides the best redundancy for the system by duplicating each drive (Mirroring). Because of the way our Database Manager works, RAID 1 also allows our server to stripe the data over multiple drives. This permits the server to read and write data over multiple drives simultaneously, which results in better throughput. When putting together the RAID 1 array, we suggest that you use the fastest drives and interface available (ULTRA SCSI 3 15k RPM).


    We suggest that you get the fastest processor that the client can afford. We do not require multiple processors since the Navision server can not take advantage of it.


    We suggest that a 100 Mb/s or faster network be utilized. For WAN connections, we suggest the Citrix or Microsoft Terminal Services be used.
  • orbitalsalmonorbitalsalmon Member Posts: 33
    DB is currently 5GB. The error seems to happen around the same time every day, about 12:30pm, give or take an hour.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Are you running some backup or antivirus or any other software?
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • orbitalsalmonorbitalsalmon Member Posts: 33
    Symantec AV Corp Ed 10.1
    BackupExec 9.1 (with latest updates)
    Are the only apps we have running on the server.

    The errors do not occur on the weekend, only during the week. It is usually the 1232 error once a day around noon, give or take an hour. I'm guessing it's caused by some transaction in Navision, and my concern is how dangerous this error is regarding database integrity.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Do not forget one think - sometime someone is cleaning some rooms, and in this process some cables can be in danger... :-) may be this cleaning is not done through weekend... for example see this: 8) you never know what can be the source of problems...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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