i try to connect our Navision Database to our eMail Programm (TOBIT if someone know).
The problem i have : there are fields in our DB like "E-Mail" or "Adresse 2" witch are having blanks or minus inside.
After i use some of these fields the ODBC returns no data.
In the ODBC options i can select witch characters are allowed : "All Characters", "All expect DOT" or "a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _". The last of these options i want to use and is saved in the driver setup.
But when i connect to the DB an i look there is always "All expect DOT".
Can someone tell me how to setup the ODBC Driver that it will works correctly?
Thanks Thomas
It´s ok, i solved the problem
What do you use?
-native or SQL Database
-witch Tobit software
-witch mail client
-only singel mails or mass mailings too?