I'm looking for a possibilty to save C/AL Code in a specified table. I want to do the same as Code Coverage does. But I want to have the control, from which object I read the source.
Does anybody know if it's possible? If the answer is yes, how can I do that?
Thanks for all hints,
Many thanks, Roger
But it's not exaclty what I want. Mybe, my explanation was'nt clear enough.
I want to read the complete source code of an object (for example Table 36) for save the source, or parts of it, in a own table. I'm looking for a way to create a documentation of changes in the standard source.
Independent Consultant/Developer
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Navision doesn't give you access to the blob where the compiled code resides. It's probably encrypted.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
But, how can I run a table from a codeunit?
My personaly view is that 70% of the development is setting object properties, and these kind of changes look like crap with an automatic diff on text files. So I just write documentation in the Documentation trigger by hand and extract it from the text files with a simple script.