Need an English or Dutch version of SKR04 for Nav 4.1

AlexWollenbergAlexWollenberg Member Posts: 8
Hi guys,

Management has decided to use the German SKR04 (Sach Konten Ramen 04) structure for the financials of our multinational. The problem is that all General ledgers are in German and we have our main office outside of Germany.

Is there someone who can provide me with an English or if possible a Dutch version of SKR04 to import into Navision 4.1?


Alex van den Wollenberg
McDOS International BV


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You don't necessarly need to have the same gl account when they consolidate they can do the gl matching. If management wants in SKR04, then give the german controller a call and go over the accounts one by one and do the matching based on your version. Once everything is matched. You should be set. I searched the web, but couldn't find anything usefull.

    I saw this thread in GnuCash that might have something. Maybe you should look there.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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