MSMQ lost messages go to Target Journal

Peter99Peter99 Member Posts: 5
We are using Navision Communication Component version 2 to send messages throug MSMQ.
We notice all messages are send.

Sometimes some messages do not arrive at the target queue but they do arrive at the target journal queue. Has anyone any idea?

How does this system work anyway? Do all messages first arrive at the journal queue and are then forwarded to the destination queue. And the messages that cann't be forwarded stay in the journal queue?


  • DakkonDakkon Member Posts: 192
    I'm not 100% certain of this but I believe a message only ends up in the journal if it arrives at the destination queue. It sounds to me like something is receiving those messages out of the destination queue before you ever see them. Check to make sure no other program reads any messages from that queue. If there is nothing else reading from the queue, then I would guess your app is reading the message from the queue and sometimes failing to do anything with it. Without out knowing more specifics of your setup, all of this is of course speculation.
    Thad Ryker
    I traded my sanity for a railgun :mrgreen:
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