Security Navision / SQL

odbcodbc Member Posts: 8
Hi Folks.

I have configured my SQL / Navision 4.00 SP2 installation now and its seems to run pretty good.

One of the top priorities was to make it "impossible" for users to directly to the SQL database (outside Navision).

A users can do what he or she is allowed to in Navision, but when ever they connect with some odbc tool or access the can only access(read) the db property table and they cant fire any statements like update,drop table etc. Is this how it should work ? I would be happy if some one could confirm this.



  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Direct DB access from SQL is independent of Navision. It is possible to configure a user with full Navision access (SUPER role) but that uiser will still have no direct SQL access.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Yes, it is the way how it works. If you want to allow users to connect to the DB outside Navision, you need to add them the needed permissions. Navision is working with Application roles to access the DB - no direct permissions for users are granted...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • odbcodbc Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for your reply.

    That answers my question, I just wanted to know that I have configured the whole correct so that the users cant access the mssql db directly.

    Thanks again.

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