Displaying multiple lines while creating reports

mbskapilmbskapil Member Posts: 43
Dear All
I am trying to create a report which is being extractrd from a Cuctomized Table "Sales Scheduled Buffer" where it is being displayed that say 100 items will be stored in 4 boxes i.e qyu=4 & No of box =4 .Now i want print a 4 packing slip showing the same item no 4 times like 1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4. Can anyone suggest me a code for this


  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Well if you have a table that stores that information, you add a dataitem for that table to your report and you shold be all set.
  • mbskapilmbskapil Member Posts: 43
    DenSter wrote:
    Well if you have a table that stores that information, you add a dataitem for that table to your report and you shold be all set.
    Thx DenSter
    Well all that is being stored in a table but there is a single line against a Unique document number but since "No of box": varies against each doc. no so tell me how to get that line printed "n" number of times as value in "No. of box" is different all the time.
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Similar to your other question. You can use an integer dataitem just like in the sales invoice report. How woult you know what goes into each package though if you don't store that information in a table?
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