Hi all,
Is there any way by which Navision creates requisition line automatically for an item whose required quantity is not available for reservation?
i.e when creating a reservation entries if sufficient quantity is not available for reservation then create a requisition line automatically.
Thanks for any help.
just set make to order in the manufacturing policy field for your items and the reordering policy to order.
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Can you pl. tell me the exact steps that I should follow to see the requisition line created for the item whose available quantity < quantity to be reserved?
Thanks for any help.
You need to run the calculation process (Fct - Calculate plan) to generate the req. Lines ...
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Now another doubt.
On the requisition line quantity needed is calculated using the
Inventory + Scheduled Receipts + Planned Receipts - Gross Requirement.
as mentioned in help.
Can anyone please provide me the mapping of each of the above field with the table field? i.e where can I find the value of each of the above fields?
Thanks for any help.
Depending on the "horizon" you give to the function "Calculate plan", values are calculated from Purchases, Sales and Productions informations.
Details should be given in our favorites PDF docs, I suppose ...
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Fully aggreed, but it also not automatic as asked ...
I copied report 699 - Calculate Plan - Req. Wksh. to a new report number 50000. I then modified this copy of the report to set a few filters automatically, such as name of requestion worksheet, Location filter. and set the order date, endind date ect with code, and then I run the report in the job scheduler, you can set it to any frequency you want and as far as the users know it is automatic, they just open requisition worksheet and there batch is there waiting their review. I made 7 of these reports, one for each location that orders inventory. I run my batch each night, so the req, is there every morning waiting for them.
If we create requisition lines automatically without using function calculate plan-plan wksh in planning worksheet, order planning --> calculate plan, order promising (CTP), or requisition worksheet -> calculate plan, there will be no function planning flexibility field, and the system will create new and recreate order that has been created beforehand. I can't do if I must use job scheduler and created requisition line batch job each night. It is impossible to create it automatically and using job scheduler in make to order and make to stock companies.
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