Someone recently told me that Navision Application Server for SQL is multi-threaded. Is there truth to this? I haven't been able to test this yet and I'm in the middle of a project that could be greatly affected by whether this is true:)
Thad Ryker
I traded my sanity for a railgun

Independent Consultant/Developer
I traded my sanity for a railgun
Independent Consultant/Developer
I created one codeunit for the NAS process. In that codeunit I created 5 timers (the standard navision timers as you know them). I started all 5 timers, calling seperate (5) codeunits.
In each of these 5 codeunits, I did some transactions, some with insers, some with modifies, some with errors. Some timers at 6 seconds, some at 10, some at 30 ... anyway, all random.
This was my result checking the event log and inserted/modified data thoroughly:
- all timers run independently. Timer1 every 30 seconds, timer2 every 6 seconds, and so on.
- the errors in timer1 didn't cause a rollback on timer3, so all inserts, modifies and deletes were done as supposed to ...
- all errors rolled back what it had supposed to.
So, you tell me. Probably I misunderstand the whole idea of "multi-threading", but isn't this a way?
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
It is very easy to try it out. I don't use this kind of functionality in live database. I was just testing whether it was possible or not ... . It would be great if others try it out and share their remarks about it ... .
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog