[Newbie] Strange Probleme with table linking ...

gbrauxgbraux Member Posts: 9

I am a recent user of navision and i am trying to build a small database "from scratch" without using the demo ddb.

I an actualy trying to do a very usual and normaly "easy" thing : allow a user to fill a field using datas that are in an other table (by clicking the "up" arrow next to the concerned field).
The table I whant the user to look the data from only contain one collumn with a list of data.

I read that doing this is simply done by configuring "tablerelation" in the properties on the field, and setting the table to be open in the "tablerelation">table row.

I tried this, the little up arrow apears near the field i configured, but the data table never appears when i click on it ...

The two tables i created are articles (ID 50000) and article_type (ID 50001).

Can somebody explain me why it dont work ... And how i coud do this ...


Guillaume, from PARIS - FR


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    I think you have forgotten to assign a lookupform to the table. You can do this in the tableproperties.

    My advice is to built your solution in a cronus database, this way, even if you don;'t need the navision objects, you can look and learn from how the rest of NAV works.
  • gbrauxgbraux Member Posts: 9
    Ok, i find a way to do it ...

    I had to buid a form containing my datas (article_type), and link it the the table article_type with the lookupformID ...

    Quite complicated, as i need a manualy made form (list) for user to select data ...
    Is there a way to do this without having fo build a new form ?

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    No, this is the way to do it, You can run tables but you realy don;t want your users to hack in tables without a formlayer.
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