We have a codeunit which sends out an XML HTTP request and receives the response into an XML document. Up to now this was working great.
IF ISCLEAR(aut_XmlHttp) THEN CREATE(aut_XmlHttp);
aut_XmlHttp.open('POST', txc_PostURL, FALSE);
aut_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
aut_XmlHttp.send (ism_XML);
// Handle XML Response
IF (aut_XmlHttp.statusText = 'OK') THEN BEGIN
// Save HTTP response in XML document object
IF ISCLEAR(aut_XmlDoc) THEN CREATE(aut_XmlDoc);
aut_XmlDoc := aut_XmlHttp.responseXML;
Recently we have noticed that in some cases, the responseXML contains the "°" character. When this character is found, the XML parser says an invalid character is found, causing the XML document to be empty.
I tried to read out the responseText (which is working great in VB), but Navision always gives the error that the text is too long for the input buffer. I have made sure to create a text variable with a length of 1024 characters, while the responseText is at most 750 characters. So it should fit. I noticed that when the length is less than 250 characters everything works fine.
Is there a way around this problem? TIA!!
Your problem is quite stange. You might try to use a BigText field in a virtual table...