Hi there,
We were working with Navision 2.60.
Last weekend, we've set up an new server with OS Win2003.
We are working for the upgrade to MBS-navision 4.00 SP2, but this conversion is not ready yet.
Now we've made a small conversion of our navision 2.60 database to 4.00. Now we are working with a navision 4.00 SP2 server, 4.00 SP2 clients and a 2.60 (converted) database.
We also have installed the hotfix for the reporting bug in SP2.
Now our problem;
our navision client crash every time when we want to make a replenishment.
In the event viewer we find the next message: (in dutch)
Kan beschrijving voor gebeurtenis-ID (1000) in bron (Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision) niet vinden. De lokale computer beschikt wellicht niet over de benodigde registergegevens of DLL-berichtbestanden om berichten van een externe computer te kunnen weergeven. U kunt mogelijk de schakeloptie /AUXSOURCE= gebruiken om deze beschrijving op te halen, zie Help en ondersteuning voor details. De volgende gegevens zijn deel van de gebeurtenis: fin.exe;; 4467a25c; fin.exe;; 4467a25c; 0; 001e6b56.
Is there anyone who knows this problem?
Or is there any 2.60 code who isn't working at the 4.00 SP2?
Can you see in the debugger where this goes wrong. Perhaps you can place the code lines were it happens here.
Is there a automation object used in the reports and codeunits that do the replenishement.
How did you do the conversion of 2.60 to 4.00 ? Or are you hust using an 4.00 client with un 2.60 database without upgrading the objects ?
The debugger cannot give an error, navision crashed immediatelly when I run the report for replenishment.
I made the conversion by making a backup (reservekopie maken) in navision 2.60. Then I make a new database in a navision 4.00 client, and I restore the backup (reservekopie terugzetten) in the new 4.00 database.
There is no automation object used in this report.
I found on a forum at google, there is a private hotfix for this problem,
but this hotfix is released at 2004, two years earlier then the release of SP2, which we are using.
So this means you didn't do an upgrade of the objects. All the software is still just the same as with version 2.60, you are just using the new .exe. Is it possible to send me copy of that report (in fob). I will see then in the object if i can find something strange.