First off, we added "dimension" fields to the item table to view item identifiers (Item Group, width, embossed, profile, etc.)
I have modified the Item List by adding a header to it, and adding textboxes to it where the user can lookup and filter on the required dimension. With each filter, the list of possible filters on the next dimension shrink. But now when you finished the lookup and the filter is done, and you click on a line it wants to execute the OnModify and asks if I want to rename the record. But nowwhere do I even attempt to modify a record.
As an alternative I used FlowFilters and set the TableRelations of the fields, but now there is no way of narrowing the search after the previous search. Or is there? [-o<
Kind Regards,
Ewald Venter
- declare a WidthFilter global variable, text (not Decimal!) put it on the header in a textbox
- put CurrForm.UPDATE(true); in the OnAfterValidate of the textbox
- put SETFILTER("Width",WidthFilter); in the OnAfterGetRecord of the form
and then you can filter as 10..20 or >30 without modifying the record.
It still gives me the message, but only when I do the findfirst.
I have to do the findfirst, else some other non-qulifying records are displayed.
:?: :?: :?:
Ewald Venter
I call the function from the Form.OnAfterGetRecord and from the textbox.OnDeactivate. So now after the lookup, the filter is run, but the user has to click somewhere on the form so that the filter is run again to eliminate that one record. (It's always the first record in the previous set that does not qualify for the filter that still shows after the filter). :-k
Ewald Venter