Serial No allocation

ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
I have the following request from a customer:
Nav 4.0.
He orders from a vendor (which uses a 3PL for Wshe).
The Receipts are send to him from the 3PL after loading of shipment.
He on the other hand prints shipment invoice to the customer prior to receive.
He wants to implement item tracking.
I tried everything (that I know of) but I could not attach a SN to an item that is not in my Whse.
My question is: is there a way to allocate a serial No to an Item tha is not yet received in the program?
I know it can be done through "false" receive, but it will end up in an Inventory mess
with a lot of negative and possitive adjustments.
Please provide any information.
Thank you in advance.


  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    One way to resolve this is to set your item tracking to record on outbound only.

    In standard Navision, if item tracking is set to record on both inbound and outbound, it's not possible to put serial numbers on sales orders without first having it in your warehouse.

    The reason is simple, there should be a one to one corrolation between serial numbers coming in and going out. You can't have outbound if there's no inbound to select from.
  • ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
    This try to explain it to my customer who's answer is: up to now I could do this (BUT WITHOUT THE F***ING TRACKING). Now the problem is that after the sale and the SN allocation I need to assign a new number (the corect
    SN ot the Item, the one given by the vendor that is stuck on the rear....)
    I can't do it through the Item Reclass Journal (as far as I know it is used only if you have inbound tracking on :( )
    So any ideas on how to get the correct SN into the entries???
  • ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
    I know the solution about applying a description in the SN line but
    it not a safe way to implement tracking....
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Simply make a new report based on the Sales Order Confirmation that looks like a shipment note, but actually is not (the order is not yet shipped). Tell the customer to use it, and only ship it "really" after it has been received and SN assigned and whatever.
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