Set Inventory Value,

nav-jktnav-jkt Member Posts: 15
Hi everyone,

I'm using NAV 4 SP1.

Anybody know how to set inventory quantity and value for a specific date?

For example: today is June 18, 2006. And we want to set inventory (quantity and value) for December 31, 2005.

And how to check inventory value for a specific location ? is there any report available in Nav ?



  • vivektaurianvivektaurian Member Posts: 69

    To enter inventory value & quantity on the specific date you can change your workdate as that date.

    For Inventory at specific location you can see this by Inventory Availability Report.
    Which you will find in the Purchase--->Report
    Vivek Srivastava

    "Future Belongs to those who beleive in the beauty of their dreams"
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    You can use Report 1001 Inventory Valution.
    Set the Ending date in the "Options"- Tab
    A location filter can be set on the item table to determine the value and quantity for a specific location.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I think you can't use work date change if you are really want to change the date of item qty and inventory value listed in item ledger entries and value entries.
    If I want to change the date from June 20, 2006 to Dec. 31, 2005, I've tried to use item journal (+ and - adjustment) and it works good, but the first date still exists and the new one (dec 31, 2005) will be a new date of the item.
    If you click item button in the item card --> item by location, you will find item's qty / location listed (not directly value entries), but if you want to see directly of the item's value entry just click the drilldown of average cost field (LCY) on the tab invoicing.

  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    Report 1001 will show the invoiced Qty based on the posting date in the Value entries. You will encounter problems if the shipment was posted before 31 Dec 05, but in invoice was posted with a posting date after 31 Dec 05. These values will not appear in the report. If this presents a problem, it is possible to create a new report based on the item ledger entries ( Field "Cost Amount (Actual)") to show these figures, but keep in mind that the balance on the G/L inventory account will not match, as this is based on the invoiced values.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • nav-jktnav-jkt Member Posts: 15
    This problem because the value in the system doens't tally the value in the manual record.
    So we want to set the value in the system according the value in the manual.

    But if I use the + or - adjustment, is it will affect all of the transaction since the costing method we used is Average ?
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    But if I use the + or - adjustment, is it will affect all of the transaction since the costing method we used is Average ?

    Your question is also been tested by me yesterday, I used average costing, I mean I use average costing when doing +/- adjustment in the item journal. It won't affect all of your transaction since the calculation of average cost (LCY) [it's a field in the item card on tab invoicing] is :
    Cost Amount (Actual)/Invoiced Quantity

    So, if you really did well in +/- adjustment, I think you will not find trouble then.


    "Camino Palmero"
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