Tablebox displaying data from multiple tables

buchhotbuchhot Member Posts: 116
Hi there!

May anybody can help me, even if I am not sure if it is possoble in navision.

I want a Tablebox which displays data from multiple tables whith similar structure (Sales Invoice Line and Sales Cr.Memo Line).
Is it possile to dynamically select data and fetch it into an empty tablebox.
Even if I think it is not possible thought gonna ask you, because maybe one expert out there knows a way to do this.

Many thanks in advance.
Thomas Buchholz
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Eh, how to explain this in a few lines.

    In NAV forms you have the OnFindRecord and the OnNextRecord triggers.

    Normaly these functions handle the navigation trhu the tablerecords for you when you press pgup/pgdown etc, and you won't have to change them.

    But you can also change the behaviour of these functions for lets say, you want the nextrecord to display information that is not even in the sourcetable of the form.

    My sugestion is to look at this functions/triggers. Search the forum for examples, I now there should be at least some, if not a lot.

    If you have any questions after that (or results), don't hesisate to ask further.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    In NAV forms you have the OnFindRecord and the OnNextRecord triggers.
    In general, these functions are used in combination with a temptable (see Form 498:"Reservation" for an example. But instead of using a temptable, you might use a record-reference...
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • BalelloBalello Member Posts: 61
    ... and display the data of another table using TransferFields, if you know that similar fields has same fieldno.... But filtering/changing and every database query becomes a "little" difficult.....
    I don't envy anybody who caught up his aim. I travel gladly.
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    .. but it's damn hard. Here is an example on how to use these triggers, although for a different purpose:

    but it only covers showing records. To be able to modify them... I'd suggest to don't do it. It's extremely hard, if possible. I think you should just use two subforms instead, or show other data (such as customer ledger entries filtered for document type invoice and credit memo) or something like that.
  • eYeeYe Member Posts: 169
    I don't know if you thought of this or if this is the ideal way to go, but if I can make the assumption that the tables you want to display is related in some way: Try flowfields?

    I know you then sit with the possibility of a ton of fields but it is something.

    Does anybody know if you can add more than one table box to a form, each having a different src table?
    Kind Regards,
    Ewald Venter
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