Lengths & Pieces

eYeeYe Member Posts: 169
I was just wondering: Are there so little companies that use lengths & pieces to define qty that it is not included in Navision? :-s

This applies to cutting material by demand.

We had to customize to be able to do this but the length and pieces had to pull through to so many places for the system to keep track of the amount of stock and to do production planning correctly. You have offcuts that can be used. Some items have a Linear Metre UoM, but the available stock is measured in KG. Convertions left, right & centre. #-o The list goes on.

Has anybody done this before and have you had this much trouble?
Kind Regards,
Ewald Venter


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    You don't actually have to wondering if you made no customisation and the customisation itself is failed.
    So many types of UOM in your inventory will lead to a difficult situation, but it will be no problem if you set the conversion in the items unit of measure without additional customisation.
    Also, length and pieces are available in the production BOM, it governed by calc formula, qty per, unit of measure and qty fields. All depends on the set up in the item unit of measure.
    You buy in Kg, you store in Meter, you sale in m3, it's all located in the item unit of measure. no problems...
    Could you tell me specific sample of your problem..?

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    There are add-ons that solve this problem.

    Did you have a look in the add-on catalogue to find any?

    You realy don't want to reinvent the wheel yourself.
  • eYeeYe Member Posts: 169
    It's not really a problem. I just want to know if nobody else has ever done this.

    You have item FS0001 with base UoM LM (linear metre), it's made from item C0001 with UoM KG.

    Now you want to sell 10 pieces of 5m of FS0001 (1st sales line)
    2nd sales line: 5 pieces of 15m of FS0001.

    Sample of such lines (Pardon the formatting):
    No. Length Pieces Variant Code Location Code Quantity Unit of Measure Code Unit Price Excl. VAT Line Amount Excl. VAT Qty. to Ship Qty. to Invoice Outstanding Quantity
    FS0001 5.00 10 AZBHS 300 50 LM 30.00 1,500.00 25 25 50
    FS0001 15.00 5 AZBHS 300 75 LM 30.00 2,250.00 30 30 75

    Now you have to know how much kg's is used of C0001, we get that from the BOM's. But all the journals and ledgers must keep track of exactly how much of what is where. It caused some major ](*,) and #-o and [-o< , but we did it.
    Kind Regards,
    Ewald Venter
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