I have setup the DSN but when I try and connect through Excel I get the following message "Drivers SQLSetConnectAttr has failed".
Has this happenned to anyone before? I have setup a Sytem DSN. I think there might be a hotfix for this but there is nothing in the download section.
I'm using SP1.
It connects ok using the database which comes with the software but I'm trying to connect to another database now.
Best of luck.
Pls take note of the following thing.
1. you must use N/ODBC instead of C/ODBC.
2. Have you copied over the files needed as stated in manual?
3. Have you provided the username and password for the DSN (if you are not using CRONUS database).
Our company license was expiring so when i was importing the license and trying to bring up the company name I was receiving a message saying our license is about to expire in the next few days.
So I think it was receiving that message when connecting and of course not know what to do.
License is now ok and it's connecting fine.