WMS Third Party Location

ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
What is the actual use of the chech in the Whse Location card 'Third Party location' ?
Is it used just to denote that the specific location is "out of our jurestiction" only or it provides any additional connection to any other part of the program?
Logic says that if someone checks the box, it should just allow the program to know that the location is a 3PL and hense do nothing more than allow inventory to be available to the user, once in that location.
Is that the only case or there is some other functionality? I can't find anything in any of the manuals regarding this check, so any ideas would be great.
Thanx in advance.


  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I can't find the field in the location card either in SP1 or SP2. Also I have looked it in the help and in the table of the location (ID 14). It's very interesting to know the field then.

  • ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
    I am using both Nav 4 and SP1 and in both cases it is on the Location
    card on the right top of the table.
    Now the only problem is that I don't know if this field is only for the
    Greek version of Nav (which I doupt but still is the only answer that
    might cover this).
    But still I don't know its functionality:(...
    Any ideas?
  • ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
    The value of the field in the properties of the field is 1420001.
    Now I don't know if it is of any help...
  • ManosAManosA Member Posts: 40
    Sorry about the mess. It is a greek functionality after all with field No 16705.
    I'm very sorry :oops: :oops: :oops: .
    I think I have to turn to Microsoft Gr. for this.
  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    As i've said that it's really interesting that Navision Gr contains the field, meanwhile NAV ID (Indonesia) doesn't have. I am sure now that is the worldwide and country are created regarding to business process in the country that are not available in Nav worlwide.
    Contact your local NSC for the problem encountered.

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