Routing - Machine Center

anthonyanitoanthonyanito Member Posts: 36

I'm finding a difficult situation in the setting up the routing for the following situation.

Machine A
Processing Time per Batch - 3hrs
Maximum Batch Quantity - 100

For example, if the production order is for 1 - 100 units, the Machine A should take 3 hrs to complete. Because its 1 or 100, the processing time is 3hrs. But for the next hundred unit the time should be another 3 hrs. That is if its 101 - 200 than the process time is 6hrs. If its 201 - 300 the process time is 9hrs and so on.

1 - 100 - Process time is 3hrs
101 - 200 - Process time is 6hrs
201 - 300 - Process time is 9hrs
and so on

Can anyone tell me how to do the setting in Navision 3.70.

Thank you,



  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Dear Anthony
    I would suggest that if you set run time in the routing, it means for one pieces or one unit.
    in your case :
    1 batch = 100 unit
    run time = 3 hours
    so 1 unit = ... hours

    the dots must be filled by you.

  • anthonyanitoanthonyanito Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the reply.

    Normally, if you specify a run time, then

    runtime * prodution quantity = is total time

    This is normal procedure.

    An example of my problem is:

    An oven can take maximum of 100 qty and the process time is 3hrs. But if I put 10 in the oven, the process time is still 3hrs. And if I put 150 in the oven, the process time will be 6hrs. Because, at a given time the oven can take maximum 100. So, it finishes the 100 first with 3hrs, then do the rest 50 in the next 3hrs.

    Thank you,

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    you are correct. It means that your production volume maximum is 100 pcs and it takes 3 hours/100 pcs but will be more than 3 hours if the qty or volume is above 100 pcs because maybe your machine is serial.
    You can consider to set a lot size in the routing line and also run time in the routing line. maybe it can help you.

  • anthonyanitoanthonyanito Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the reply.

    If I set the lot size to 100, what about if the qty is below zero. How will that effect?

    Thank you,

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    Although your qty size is below zero, I guess there will no effect, I am not sure then, do you mean your qty is negative or zero..?
    I've tried just a moment that if I set 3 hours in run time and lot size 100 pcs, the starting time will take 10 am - 4 p.m. the order qty is 200 unit.


    "I am go home now, go home now, I am hungry.."
  • anthonyanitoanthonyanito Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the reply and the solution.

    But I still have a small problem. When you enter 200 it calculates 6 hrs. But if I put 150 then it calculates 4.30 hrs. Where as it should be 6 hrs. How do I do it?

    Thank you,

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    I guess the solution for you are work around and customisation. the work arounds consists of two options:
    1. Created BSO (Blanket Sales Order) 100,200,300,400 and so on, then running planning worksheet to create schedule for production item but you post the item according to qty produce or batch qty you input to the machine e.g. 150 pcs, or 201 pcs or 304 pcs etc. it is useful to keep your schedule 3 hours / 100 pcs (3 hours / lot size in routing). after the goods arrived in inventory then create Sales Order 150 pcs, 201 pcs, and so on.
    2. You must schedule manually if you can't create BSO, in the production routing line, there is a field named scheduled manually. check it and changes the starting date - time according to the qty desired when running the machine (150 pcs, 201 pcs, and so on) but the duration still 3 hours, 6 hours and so on. After that, changes production order to release (don't refresh or replan)

    The customisation will be needed if the work arounds refused. Good luck and I will keep informing you if new ideas come, sometimes when I begin to write I remember but after finished in writing some sentences, I forget the others that I want.

  • anthonyanitoanthonyanito Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the reply. The workaround methods are good, but the customer is not willing. We had tried that also. Anyway, if you find anything please post it in the forum.

  • johnson_alonsojohnson_alonso Member Posts: 690
    edited 2006-06-20
    Dear AnthonyAnito, ( :) )

    I am not so sure but you need to try that is creating routing version according to the qty you want to produce and play with starting date in the version header. the lot size reduce to half or accroding to qty for example 150 --> 75 pcs with run time 3 hours. you will got schedule 6 hours to produce 150 pcs.
    the other solution you still keep to write 200 pcs in the SO and create production order qty from SO 200 pcs or from planning worksheet but you must post according to customer demand. if for example 150 pcs, then post it 150 pcs in production order and also sales order including invoiced it 150 pcs too. by using this work around, your production schedule will be fulfilled your need. You need production schedule according to your machine operation run time, don't you..? that's why it's logic you must set up 100 pcs lot size in the routing with 3 hours as a run time, although you don't produce 200 pcs in the next 3 hours, but your schedule is maintaining in 3 hours/lot size set. if you still can't accept this try to replace your navision to be oracle or SAP, because I've heard they can do what you want. Or you can make some change/customise for it.

  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632
    Try to use setting:

    1. On Item card set the Lot Size to 100
    2. In routing line set 3 hours in Setup Time"
    3. If you want to calculate costs including "Setup Time", you must check the box in manufacturing setup
  • anthonyanitoanthonyanito Member Posts: 36

    The workaround method is not agreeable by the customer.

    By setting up the setup time, the time dosen't change according to lot size qty.

    Anyway thanks for trying to helping me out. If you come across any other solution, please let me know.

    Thank you,

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