Crystal Report XI

ccminccmin Member Posts: 13
I use a form try to get Crystal Report open from Navision 4.0 SP1. I'm using OCX and Automation to link with the Crystal Report. I try to use Crystal.GetViewPath, Crystal.ActivateView, Crystal.GetViewName and Crystal.ViewReport(). I dunno whether these functions can help me to call the crystal report? I create(crystal) if I'm using Automation for my testing.
But an error message saying that "

This error message id for CAL programmer.
The call to member GetViewPath is failed. CrystalReport11.ActiveXReportViewer.1 returned the following message:
The index is out of range."

Does anyone know what the actual index to put in? Are the functions I'm using are the correct one? :-k

Thanks in advance...
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