The Qty. on Sales Order Field on Item Card showed Negative 1. If I drill down to that field, I do not see any entries. I also searched the Sales/Purchase(just in case) Line table and there were no entries for this ISBN. How can the quantity on sales order be -1? This is on 4.0 SP1. This only happens to one itme, all other items have correct # on this field.
Thanks for the help!
I think that you can perhaps look all record from value entry table.
On the item card go to invocing tab.
Go to the drill Average cost and then show all filter.
And then just filter by the No. of your item.
I hope perhaps you gonna find something.
Are you looking at the right fields, the Quantity on Sales Order is the sum of the Sales Line "Outstanding Quantity Base"?
Check the filters first, then check the base quantity compared to the Outstanding Quantity.
You will not see the Outstanding Quantity Base when you drill down, so you could add it, if it is causing a problem!
If you are using very small base quantities grams, lbs or something, and ordering by the Tonne, then you might get this on the form.
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