Varaible ID's

didleydidley Member Posts: 17

How can I list all assigned variables wit name and ID's?
Which functions and which properties have I to use?

If anyone knows please inform...

Thank you


  • BalelloBalello Member Posts: 61
    What do you mean saying "assigned variables"? :-k
    I don't envy anybody who caught up his aim. I travel gladly.
  • PoweRoyPoweRoy Member Posts: 43
    all records in a table with columns ID and Name u mean?
  • didleydidley Member Posts: 17
    I mean all variables within navision have a unique numeric ID. I want to look up all these ID's and names.

    For example: The form Company information have a variable named CustomizedCalEntry with the ID 1007.

    For these names and ID's I want to have an automatic lookup.
  • BalelloBalello Member Posts: 61
    I think there's no way. Only exporting as text file the object can give you this information.
    I don't envy anybody who caught up his aim. I travel gladly.
  • didleydidley Member Posts: 17
    Thats really pitty but nevertheless

    many thanks
  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    Export everything as text and use a handy regular expression :)
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