connecting a form to item card not works good

mark_christsmark_christs Member Posts: 156
Dear All,
I would like to ask you about how to connect a form in the item so that the title is as same as the card title, for example if I select item A, then through item button, I select item translation, the windows name will ...-Microsoft Bus...- [item A - item translation]--> this what I want.
Basically I create a new form (tab control type form) and the source table is bbb
I have done this way:
RunObject : form aaa
Runformlink : Type=CONST(Item),No.=FIELD(No.)
runformlinktype : onupdate

in the form aaa:
sourcetable : bbb
Datacaptionfields: Type,No.
sourcetableview : SORTING(bbb,Type,No.) WHERE(Type=CONST(Item),No.=CONST(1))

But not work successfully.

The sourcetable itself is a table but it doesn't have lookupformid.

How do I can cope with this problem..??
Tks a lot for your reply and answers.



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